The Local Church & Your Sanctification

While it is true that we are all individually responsible
for our own sanctification, meaning that if I fail to pursue holiness as I’ve
been called to do it is on me for that failure and no one else, but God has not
left us alone in this quest. Let me
elaborate, Just as we are saved by grace, we are
sanctified by grace as well. But God has
not called us to merely sit stagnant in our sanctification. As He works in us, grows us and conforms us
more to Christ we are called to respond.
Even our desire to respond and obey and all our striving is given by the
Spirit working in us. To unfold this
part of His plan God has placed the local church in our life as a means of our
sanctification. I would like us to
consider 3 ways that the
local church plays a vital role in our sanctification.
God sanctifies us by His power working in us through His Holy Spirit
that we receive solely because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
1.) The church is God's method for the
formative and corrective discipline of the body.
The failure of the individual affects the whole body. 1 Corinthians 12:1-30 teaches us
that the church functions best when it functions as a single unit. Each person exercising their spiritual gifts
for the benefit for the other person and through that God is glorified in the
unity of the Body. Just as no part of
the human body is without purpose, so it is with each part of the Body of
Christ. Each person in the local church
plays a significant role in the sanctification of the other members. One person’s sanctification is helped as other
members exercise their gifts in service towards that person to help them grow
in vast areas of their walk with Christ.
Conversely, that person’s gifts being exercised help them to sharpen
themselves and they grow through their useful service to their brethren. As we
serve others in the Body of Christ and are served by them as well, we grow
spiritually to look more like Christ.
2.) The church is God's method for the
watch care for the soul – Hebrews
God has ordained Elders and Deacons to watch over their
flocks not for the purpose of commanding them or ruling with an iron fist as
though a regime. Rather, they are there
for your benefit. They are there to
unfold God’s Word for you and lead you towards conformity to Christ. Paul said in Romans 12 that we are to be
transformed by the renewing of our minds; our minds are renewed by the Holy
Spirit through engaging them with God’s Word, and faithful Pastors are one of
the means God uses of applying the Word to your mind. So we are to be plugged
in to a local church and we are to be submissive to our leaders, as they submit
to the Lord, for they are caring for us and watching over us. Rightly engaged this relationship will bring
joy to both parties. As the Pastor leads
a believer away from sin’s dangerous snares that person is more sanctified and
as the person submits to their Pastor’s leadership that Pastor’s joy is
refreshed. A Pastor with joy for his
ministry will be a Pastor who lovingly guides his flock towards Christ.
3.) The
church is God's method for the practical sanctification of His children. - Hebrews 10:24-25
The church is God's
method for the practical sanctification of His children. The way believers grow in the practical ins
and outs of Christianity is through the local church. One purpose of our gathering for corporate
worship and Biblical fellowship is so that we can “consider how to stir one
another up to love and good works”. Are
not those two things directly connected to Christ conformity? We learn to fulfill the greatest commandments
by knowing how to both love and serve the Lord our God and our neighbor in a
Biblical and Christ-like manner (Psalm 27:8,11) As we grow as a body and
an individual and are thereby further sanctified, we display Christ to the
world. They see us reacting to success
with humility, worship with reverence, temptations with resolves for
righteousness over fleshly indulgence, persecution with an increased zeal for
Gospel proclamation, and trials with unshakable trust in the Lord Jesus
Christ. This is the heart of what is
meant by shining our light in such a way that men see our good works and
glorify our Lord (Matthew 5:16).
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