Sunday, October 4, 2009

I thought Lucy married Ricky!

Recently this news clip ran on Fox News. Now let us begin by first acknowledging that pretty much everyone with any common sense agrees that Fox News is NOT the most credible news source to begin with... but let's look beyond that and get to the facts...

First of all he says that from this supposed missing link that they "know" this creature could walk on two legs on ground and four in the trees. However, what is NOT offered up is how they know this.

He bases his research on the foundation of a 1974 discovery in the same region known as "Lucy". This was also supposedly a missing link between man and ape. Although here is a great article from the folks over at Answers in Genesis as to the real history of the Lucy "link"

So his foundation is built upon a fossil found in 1974 that was so fragmented that much of what they pieced together was pure scientist imagination. Sounds solid to me...

Now why is it when the find an ape that was built differently that they assume it is a missing link... why not look at the real facts that this is simply a variation of the many wondrous creatures God made? hmmm intriguing...

Furthermore, this so called expert states that there are only two main differences between man and all other animals... one is that we walk on two legs and the other was that we have large brains...

While many scientists have toted the fact there is a 98% similarity between human and chimpanzee DNA they fail to mention that similarity is only in the single strand DNA and that we have 23, chimps have 24 single strands. So we evolved from chimps but lost a single strand strain of DNA? hmmm I thought evolution made us better, added more information, and only improved on what was there... so how did we lose something? haha, but I digress...

What they neglect to tell you when making that oh so stunning 98% comparison is that if you looked at all our DNA as a whole between the two species you'd find that we actually only have a 1.23% similarity... my how the number goes down... but TIME never runs that on the cover!

What does that tell me? It tells me that we have a common designer... Look at the vastness of God's creation... c'mon... you talk about Christians living a life of blind faith... my faith isn't blind, The Bible CLEARLY reveals the God in whom I trust. It is you my atheist evolutionist & theistic evolutionist friends. You're life is full of faith in a false assumption built on 100's of years of lies, imagination, and presuppositions!

Christians need not be alarmed at this latest find, it doesn't demonstrate a transitional fossil between man and ape but just another species of ape like creature that is no longer in existence...

In the end this so called expert really makes only one statement that is true... and that is that just because we have a bigger brain doesn't mean we are going to have better ideas... boy isn't that shown to be true from the so called "wise" of this world!

Romans 1:22-23 - 22A)">Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and B)">(B)exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and a]">[a]crawling creatures.

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